Leslie K. Breitner is on the Desautels Faculty of Management at McGill University in Montreal, where she teaches in the accounting area. She is a director of McGill's International Masters Program in Practicing Management as well as its International Masters for Health Leadership.
Prior to joining McGill, she was a Principal Lecturer of Public Affairs at the University of Washington in Seattle, where she taught the Master of Public Administration core budgeting and financial management course, as well as courses in performance management, and nonprofit financial management. She also served as the faculty director for the Univeristy's Cascade Executive Programs and was faculty co-director of the Executive Master of Public Administration program, where she taught courses in financial statement analysis, financial management, and performance management.
Prior to joining the University of Washington, she taught graduate level financial management and public sector budgeting courses at Harvard University's Kennedy School of Government.
Dr. Breitner is an experienced teacher in distance learning courses. She developed the online financial management curricula for both the Kennedy School and Seton Hall University's Masters in Health Care Administration program (where she continues to teach some courses). She has also taught and consulted to medical schools, teaching hospitals, foundations, and nonprofit organizations on issues related to financial management, integrated health delivery, and strategic planning.
Dr. Breitner is co-author (with the late Professor Robert N. Anthony) of the popular accounting books Essentials of Accounting, 10th Edition and Essentials of Accounting Review, both of which were revised and published in 2010, with additional revisions scheduled for 2012.
She was the 2004 recipient of the Evans School Teacher of the Year Award, and the Dean's Award for Teaching Excellence. She recently served as a board member of Sustainable Seattle and an advisory board member of Youth Ambassadors, both of which are Seattle-area nonprofit organizations. She recently joined the board of Action Contre la Faim (Action Against Hunger), an international organization.
Dr. Breitner received her Doctorate in Business Administration) from Boston University's Graduate School of Management.