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We offer you a variety of options for choosing curriculum materials. The Web site is designed to make it easy for you to make the important decisions about your curriculum materials. Once you have made those decisions, we take care of all the details.
As you will see, we offer curriculum materials in three broad areas: (1) health and nonprofit management and policy, (2) nonprofit management, and (3) accounting and control in nonprofit and for-profit organizations.
Many of our cases also are available through Harvard Business School Publications. To locate these cases go to http://hbsp.harvard.edu and search for "TCG."
We offer several distribution options. To learn more, click on the Distribution Process tab above.
The Crimson Press Curriculum Center (The Center) was developed by The Crimson Group, Inc. under a grant from Hoechst Marion Roussel, Inc.
It serves as a mechanism to facilitate the broad distribution of teaching cases and other curriculum materials.
The Center collects and maintains cases, teaching notes, primers, and background notes for distribution to requesting faculty and programs throughout the U.S. and abroad. Our curriculum materials include several hundred items related to healthcare and nonprofit organizations and several hundred others related to accounting and control in both nonprofit and for-profit organizations. We also distribute the book Management Control in Nonprofit Organizations.
A Case Study tends to be somewhat short (fewer than 10 pages), and usually has some exhibits with quantitative data that a student needs to address in his or her analysis. On average, students need to spend about 2 to 3 hours reading and analyzing a case study before the formal class session begins. In some cases, quantitative data dominate the students thinking; whereas in others, the issues are more conceptual and subtle, and the quantitative analysis provides the background for a more strategic assessment.
All our case studies except a small handful are supplemented with teaching notes. The TN undertakes the analysis, indicates the different directions that some students might take in their analyses, and also provides ideas and assistance to a professor in helping to provide a sharper focus to the students' thinking before they undertake their analyses.
The TN also contains a suggested teaching plan for the class session. This plan is based on what appears to have worked well in the past and is offered to instructors as one possible way to conduct the class session so that the students get the most out of it. As TNs are only suggestions to the instructor, and could be misleading if they fell into the hands of students, we restrict their distribution to faculty members only.
Thus a request for one or more TNs must come to us (CrimsonCenter@TheCrimsonGroup.org) directly from a faculty member. We will send the TN directly to him or her, and no one else. There is no charge for teaching notes.
A Background Note tends to be somewhat longer than a case (10 to 20 pages) and discusses the conceptual and technical approaches that students can use in preparing a case analysis. Many instructors prefer to have their students struggle with a case analysis with no background note available; others ask students to obtain the background information on their own (i.e., on line or from a library, but not from our collection). We do not provide background notes directly to students, Instead, if you want your students to use one of our background notes, you need to include your choices in your order to us.
Primers are lengthy documents (250 to 300 pages on average). They provide an interactive forum for students to study either financial accounting, management accounting, or both. They are designed to "shorten feedback loops," by asking students to constantly work short problems and exercises throughout the text of each chapter, and then to analyze a case or two at the end of each chapter. Many faculty have reported to us that their students tend to grasp the material more easily and more quickly using the Primer's interactive approach.
Our primers are sold as either hard copy or electronic documents (a PDF file). See the tab on Pricing Structure for our fees.
Our book, Management Control in Nonprofit Organizations, is sold as hard copy (soft cover) only. When a faculty member adopts the book for a course, there is no charge for the cases from our Curriculum Center that are used in conjunction with the course. Faculty who adopt the book may choose as many cases as they wish for their course. The cases will be provided as a PDF file, which can be uploaded to a course Website or printed out as hard copy.
In contrast, background notes need to be purchased separately. However, they generally are not needed, as most of the information in them is contained in one or more of the book's chapters.
The Center collects, maintains, and distributes all three types of materials to requesting faculty and programs. We have over 300 cases, most of which are related to either healthcare and nonprofit management or accounting and control in both nonprofit and for-profit organizations. We also have some 60 background notes on topics that include managing culture, designing operations for 6 sigma, managing change, designing motivation systems, undertaking full-cost accounting assessments, conducting alternative choice decisions, and analyzing variance from budgets.
You may search our bibliography using the search form or the menu on the left.
The Center's staff would be happy to work with you to assist you in selecting
materials. Please feel free to Email us or to contact us by mail or phone at:
1770 Massachusetts Avenue, Suite 323
Cambridge, MA 02140
Phone: 781-883-4748
E-mail: CrimsonCenter@TheCrimsonGroup.org