Enter a key word or words (such as the name of a particular case or author) and
click on the search button.
Our search engine searches titles, authors, abstracts, and the first page
summaries of each item in the data base. This guarantees that you will find
anything that remotely resembles what you are seeking. However, it also can
produce a very long list of items that are of minimal or no interest.
To solve this problem, do not enter the words "and" or "or" in your search.
Instead, if you click on the option "Search for all words" the system
automatically enters the word "and" between each word you specify. If you do
not click on that option, the system automatically enters the word "or" between
each word. Using the "all words" option along with two or more words will result in a short
list; not using it will result in a long list.
If, for example, you enter "Lakeside Hospital" and do not click on the "Search
for all words" option, the system will find every case or note that has EITHER
the word "Lakeside" OR the word "hospital" in it (the latter word will get you
about one-third of the data base). If you click on the "Search for all words"
option, you will get only two items: the Lakeside Hospital case and the Primer
on Management Accounting (where Lakeside Hospital is a suggested case).